Partner congregations.
Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church
Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church has been deeply rooted in South Minneapolis for over 100 years and continues to grow into our call to create a world of abundance.
Extravagant welcome and God’s unconditional grace are at the center of our life together. We’re invested in this community, and are part of the larger Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). As a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation, our LGBTQIA+ siblings are welcomed into our shared journey. Beyond our walls, we are actively involved with efforts to address food insecurity, the lack of affordable housing, and ways to impact racial injustice.
Living Table United Church of Christ
Living Table UCC is a compassionate community drawn together in Christ to embody love, seek justice, and invite healing. We are WISE for mental health. We are Open and Affirming for QT people. We believe in just peace. We strive to be anti-racist. We commit to seeking and supporting racial justice for all peoples. We believe that God is still speaking.
Spirit of St. Stephen's Catholic Community
Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community is an intentional Eucharistic community, rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and inspired by the Gospel. We are Catholic in tradition and culture but independent of the Roman Church. All our efforts—liturgy, sacraments, education—are the result of teamwork and lay leadership. We believe fully in the anointing of our baptism as “priest, prophet, and liberator” and call upon the wisdom of the community for leadership in every area. We affirm and welcome each member of the Body of Christ, inviting them to bring their whole being with their unique identity of gender, age, ability, and orientation as we journey together, seekers on a spiritual path.